Martes, Mayo 17, 2016

For May 17, 2016


1.) How do you know that you are loved?
                In general, being loved is a great treasure that you might receive from God. Being loved makes you feel you are loved unconditionally that you are accepted, and most of all, you are respected. There are so many ways to know that you are loved. First, someone cares for you. He always takes care of you especially when you are sick. They feel uncomfortable when he notice that you are not feeling well. Another is he always supports you. Maybe he will give his opinion about your decision and said not to do it, but most of the time he will always support all your decisions. Then, respect also included because love goes with respect. It will never called love if you are not respected. Lastly, someone never let you go with bad habits. Like he always says what are the bad effects of that habit. he always wants what is good for you. That is all I can share about how to know that you are loved.

2.) Can love be measured? If yes, how? If no, why?
                 For me, love is unmeasurable. If ever love could be measured, it will never be called 'Love'. Because love is unconditional. It is infinite that no one could ever measure it. Love conquers all. If you love someone, you always do anything just to show them that you love them. You never tell yourself that you cannot do it. You always sacrifice for the sake of your love to be shown. That is what love is all about..

3.) Why should we walk according to P.S. Castrence?